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Mission 2: Expanding your Program through Evangelism and Engagement
Inspire your stakeholders and C-suite to be advocates for your automation growth strategy
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Explore MissionLaunch Mission
What this mission is

If your program successfully delivers automations on a regular basis, but you're challenged to get buy-in to grow the program, you may benefit from brushing up on your internal marketing skills. You're not alone - 90% of enterprises choose Mission 2. Learning to effectively communicate your program's success and vision for future impact is a must for achieving your automation program's growth goals.

Why embark on this mission

Maybe you never thought of yourself as a marketer, but by taking on Mission 2, you'll gain skills to promote your program effectively. Armed with blueprints and tools, you'll learn how to inspire your organization with the power and possibilities of automation. Get started with this mission to learn how to market your automation program to the executive team and illustrate alignment between automation initiatives and business objectives. This skills will help you secure funding and resources while also building excitement among key stakeholders so you have advocates ensuring your success over the long term.

What this mission entails

Many automation leaders understand the value of their automation programs, but struggle to convey how great its impact can be for the entire enterprise. In Mission 2, we've narrowed the focus of our content on what will make the greatest impact for most organizations:

    What you will focus on in Mission 2
    • Creating a board-level automation vision presentation to engage C-level executives in program success
    • Developing an automation communications package to engage new stakeholders, including:
      • An automation value narrative with metrics and measurement supporting key corporate goals
      • A "roadshow in box" series of presentations for different audiences
      • Automation success stories and email templates
    • Utilizing content and templates to host an automation quarterly business review (QBR)
    • Curating a library of success stories to share automation "wins" achieved to date
    • Launching or scaling an automation champions or ambassador program
    • Creating a "Community of Practice" to scale a culture of automation across the enterprise
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    Explore more ways to grow with Pathfinder

    Take the Pathfinder Assessment to evaluate where you are on the automation journey and get actionable next steps to grow. Or, learn more about Pathfinder Mission Control.

    Your program produces high-impact automations; you're ready to grow but might have plateaued in progress. Sound familiar? You're not alone. Automation leaders across the globe share your struggle to get the resources needed to accelerate and scale. Maybe you never thought of yourself as a marketer. In Mission 2, we'll focus on effectively promoting your program-from past successes to your vision for future impact. Through your efforts, you'll inspire leadership and other stakeholders to understand and believe in the power of intelligent automation.

    Promoting your automation program to your executive team and influential stakeholders is highly valuable for automation leaders like you endeavoring to grow their programs.

    Key Components of Mission 2

    Your automation program needs a marketer to accelerate growth across the enterprise. In Mission 2, that marketer becomes you! These critical components of Mission 2 will help you build an arsenal of promotion skills:

    Program vision & goals:

    Program vision & goals:

    Create a vision for your automation program that demonstrates thought leadership, program maturity, and an understanding of the business and technology landscape in your organization.
    Executive sponsorship

    Executive sponsorship

    Build a promotion and engagement strategy that effectively communicates your vision and successes, supported by metrics that are meaningful to your organization.
    Program evangelism

    Program evangelism

    Establish a communication plan that inspires stakeholders throughout your organization to drink the automation Kool-Aid.
    Community engagement

    Community engagement

    Create opportunities for every member of your organization to participate in automation based on their unique needs and skill sets.
    Thanks for your interest in the Pathfinder Missions!
    Mission resources are available to Automation Anywhere customers and partners after completing the Pathfinder assessment. If you're a customer or partner, please log in to access this page.